Orange Goblin
A Eulogy for the Damned
Orange Goblin’s best record for quite some while (I’d say Coup de Grace in 2002 was the last time they hit these heights), A Eulogy for the Damned is a superb old fashioned rock-metal album. It’s full of thudding chunky riffs, spacey stoner sections and growling choruses. This is an unstoppable powerhouse of an album. The crunchy production adds to things perfectly (both clean and filthy at the same time – lovely). ‘Red Tide Rising’ starts things off with a crushing statement of intent, and from then on it’s one punch after another. ‘The Fog’ is a standout track nicely placed mid-way through, and the spacey closing title track also excels (gliding you through to the finish). No song is weak. What is quite weak is the lyrical content – the Goblin should really try a bit harder. It’s difficult to tell if they’re serious or if the lyrics are a joke: “there’s something in the fog…” Is there? I’m not scared. All told, though, this is about as good as heavy rock/metal gets, and no one has the right to expect profundity from a band called Orange Goblin. Bang that head.